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Suzy's Cheesecakes

Fundraising Company Directory

5901 West Vliet Street
Milwaukee, Wisconsin 53208
Phone: 414-453-2255
Toll-Free: 1-800-828-1055
Fax: 414-453-2235

Suzy's Cheesecakes Description:
... Today, you will find my cheesecakes and desserts sold in the finest grocery stores across America. And while the number of cheesecakes we bake every day has increased significantly, the early memories of my mom’s scratch baking has bound me to the philosophy of using only the finest, freshest ingredients I can find. ...

What we noticed about Suzy's Cheesecakes:
30% profit margin for their variety of 8 different cheesecakes featuring new york style cheesecake, irish cream and chocolate chip cheesecake. Focuses on Wisconsin and surrounding areas.

Providing these fundraiser products and services:
  • Cheesecake Fundraisers (16 other suppliers)

    Range of fundraising profit margin is 15-30.

    This information was verified on January 28, 2008.

    In order to help us provide the most accurate information please feel free to submit new or revised information Suzy's Cheesecakes please here. To place a fundraising order or to request more information for your charity you should contact Suzy's Cheesecakes in Milwaukee, Wisconsin directly.
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